Serving Southern California since 2003. CSLB #926743 A-HAZ
Environmental Site Assessments
Hazardous Materials Inspections
Environmental Contracting
Serving Southern California since 2003. CSLB #926743 A-HAZ
Environmental Site Assessments
Hazardous Materials Inspections
Environmental Contracting
Other Contracting Services: Underground Storage Tank Removal, Wastewater Clarifier Removal
Full hydraulic systems utilize an underground reservoir typically containing no more than 60 gallons of hydraulic oil. Underground automobile lift systems are exempt from current underground storage tank regulations. Because these systems operate outside of the regulatory radar, it is common for owners and operators to dismiss this potential environmental liability. Preventative measures and due diligence can prevent a more costly course of action in the future.
Underground automobile lifts systems are typically powered using pressurized air to push hydraulic oil through a system which ultimately raises or lowers a hydraulic piston. Over time, hydraulic oil from these systems can leak, creating a liability for shop owners and operators. Depending on future site use, Environmental One either removes these systems permanently, or replaces them with newer contained systems which prevent any leaks from coming in contact with the subsurface.
Owners and operators are increasingly choosing to remove their underground systems and replacing them with aboveground electric systems. This is especially true during the course of property transfers and tenant replacements. During property transfers, sampling the soil beneath these systems is common in order to determine if a leak has occured
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